
Traveling Day , Tuesday Open Thread

My day job takes me to Telluride today, where I'll be until Thursday evening. I'd love to stay for the Blue Grass Festival which starts Thursday, but I have to be back in Denver for court Friday afternoon and will miss it. Too bad, I even had a ticket.

We are excited to welcome one of the great folk-rock-soul bands of their generation, Counting Crows, to headline the opening night, Summer Solstice. We welcome back two of our all-time favorite performers after a year away: Emmylou Harris and Alison Krauss. Alison Krauss and Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas will be performing both their own set of sophisticated newgrass and a special set with guitar legend Tony Rice featuring a spectrum of material from Tony's 35 year career. Los Lobos, a band that has been in existence for longer than Telluride Bluegrass, makes their debut at the Festival on Friday night.

The full lineup is here.

If you can't make Telluride, you can plan now for the Aspen-Snowmass Jazzfest Labor Day Weekend.

As I always say, 'tis a privilege to live in Colorado. This is an open thread, so please talk about whatever you want.

(Photo by Rashomon)

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  • Happy... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by desertswine on Tue Jun 19, 2007 at 10:24:12 AM EST
    Remember Judge Larry from Anna Nicole's case? (none / 0) (#2)
    by scribe on Tue Jun 19, 2007 at 04:19:32 PM EST
    The crying judge who was briefly at the center of the media maelstrom?  Who, by acting a little crazy, managed to get all the litigants so scared of what or how he'd rule that they agreed to settle, rather than litigate further?

    Sure, you remember him.

    He's retiring.

    This article says he "gave no specifics on his plans after his July 31 resignation, though rumors have swirled for months that he was considering a deal for a television court show."

    He was quite a character - a "former New York cab driver -- 57 years old and on the bench nearly 29 years" who "opened his chambers to television cameras and quickly made clear he was no ordinary judge. On the opening day of the case in February, he declared: 'This body belongs to me right now.'"

    But his retirement is not, like the article says, merely to spend more time with his family

    Rather, this article from last Friday notes he got busted smoking a joint in a city park in March, about a month after the Anna Nicole hearing.

    He'd been thinking about retirement "but recent events factored in...."  I'll say.

    It looks like he's getting a diversionary disposition of the offense.  Which is, in my opinion, appropriate.  Then again, after dealing with those knuckleheads, one could easily argue he needed a little, well, relaxation or whatever it was he was getting from burning some rope while in a city park ... and shouldn't have even been arrested at all.

    Here's wishing him good luck.

    I thought he looked like a burner.... (none / 0) (#5)
    by kdog on Tue Jun 19, 2007 at 08:57:54 PM EST
    I have a sixth sense for these things.

    Different Judge (none / 0) (#7)
    by Jeralyn on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 12:44:02 AM EST
    The judge you are thinking of is Larry Seidlin, the judge busted for pot is a different one I think.

    An NYPD panel.... (none / 0) (#4)
    by kdog on Tue Jun 19, 2007 at 08:48:27 PM EST
    composed after the Sean Bell shooting recommends that officers who fire their weapon, and it results in injury or death, face mandatory testing for alcohol use.

    I'm torn on this one...I'm a firm believer that we have an inalienable right to keep our blood, urine and even our breath to ourselves regardless of what job we hold.  Then again, truck drivers have to submit to these tests after they have an accident that causes harm, regardless if they are at fault or not...so why not cops?

    I guess I think it should apply to cops if it applies to truck drivers...but I  prefer no one be subject to the invasion of privacy.  Either a shooting is justified or not, regardless of blood content.  Just like an accident is caused by recklessness or not, regardless of blood content.

    come on Kdog (none / 0) (#9)
    by jimakaPPJ on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 08:21:20 AM EST
    Either a shooting is justified or not, regardless of blood content.  Just like an accident is caused by recklessness or not, regardless of blood content.

    Since justification depends on the state of mind of both parties, anything that effects that state of mind, and physical capabilities, has to be revelant.

    Drugs do both.


    Come on Jim..... (none / 0) (#10)
    by kdog on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 08:41:26 AM EST
    Are you saying it is impossible for a cop to have 3 drinks and still be justified in shooting a suspect?

    Are you saying it is impossible for a truck driver to smoke a joint and a week later have an accident in which he/she is not at fault?

    I'm not saying alcohol or drugs can't play a part in an accident or shooting....what I'm saying is it is not a sign of automatic guilt.  We focus too much on blood or urine content, and don't focus enough on the facts of the issue at hand.

    For example...I have a friend who used to work at the airport moving freight.  One night he was driving a hi-lo across a pitch black runway and hit a construction worker who wasn't wearing his orange vest.  He never saw the guy.  He was subjected to a mandatory drug and alcohol test and failed...though he was not under the influence of anything at the time of the accident.  He got fired.  If you ask me, the construction worker was at fault for not wearing his orange vest.  But a failed drug test means automatic guilt...and thats plain wrong.


    Hamas (none / 0) (#6)
    by squeaky on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 12:34:33 AM EST
    Six questions and answers on the confict in Palestine. (short)

    Ken Silverstein asks and Mark Perry answers.


    Iraq Moratorium Day: September 21 (none / 0) (#8)
    by Edger on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 04:43:55 AM EST
    Thanks to Lauritz for stopping in at the OOIBC yesterday to leave a comment announcing this. The website: Iraq Moratorium Day went live yesterday, June 18.

    A Moratorium Wired to Stop the War
    Jeremy Brecher & Brendan Smith, The Nation, June 18, 2007

    Refitting an idea from the Vietnam era to the age of the Internet, organizers of the Iraq Moratorium Day are inviting ordinary Americans to demand an end to the war in targeted activities in their local communities and viral activities online. The goal is a "monthly expression of determination to end the war."

    The initiators, a handful of individuals from different corners of the antiwar movement, are asking people to make a simple pledge:

    • "I hereby make a commitment that on Friday, September 21, 2007, and the third Friday of every subsequent month I will break my daily routine and take some action, by myself or with others, to end the War in Iraq."

    US Labor Against the War and Progressive Democrats of America have already signed on to the Moratorium effort. Individual supporters include some of the usual suspects in the antiwar movement--Susan Sarandon, Howard Zinn, Anne Wright, Tom Hayden and Eve Ensler, as well as Edwidge Danticat, Danny Glover and Gold Star dad Fernando Suarez de Solar. But the movement is also tapping unusual suspects like Adam Neiman, CEO of the fair-trade fashion house No Sweat, actress Mercedes Ruehl and the antiwar Freeway Blogger.

    "We felt that it was critical to move beyond the periodic national demonstrations in Washington, DC, New York and/or San Francisco, and instead develop and advance an approach that encourages increasingly massive local actions that suggests, more than anything else, no more business-as-usual," said Bill Fletcher Jr., a Moratorium organizer who is former president of TransAfrica Forum. "The Iraq Moratorium will allow local actions integrally connected at a national level such that each effort is understood and felt to be part of a national movement without at the same time creating a new organization or coalition."

    Moratorium activities will range from wearing black armbands to not buying gas; from writing letters to politicians and the media to vigils, rallies and teach-ins; from special religious services to music, art and cultural events; from film showings and lectures to student-initiated alternative classes.

    Organizers will work with netroots activists to post video of Moratorium activities on the site and on YouTube and similar sites. Poetry about the war will be solicited, and website visitors will be asked to help choose the best to be included in an anthology. Working groups have been formed to spread the word in the blogosphere.

    A Time to Reap (none / 0) (#11)
    by Edger on Wed Jun 20, 2007 at 02:13:35 PM EST
    William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t
    Wednesday 20 June 2007
    My friend Dan was on his way home the other day, and found an American flag crumpled in a gutter outside his apartment building. The flag, perhaps as big as the cover of a book, had been used as a decoration for some pre-Fourth of July party, but afterwards was merely thrown aside like litter for the street-sweepers to collect.

    Dan gathered it up, smoothed the creases, and hung it from a nearby railing. The motivation for his actions was hard for him to explain, but it came down to this: Everything else in America is so screwed up, but this American thing before him would not be defiled within reach of his arm. My friend, surrounded by the chaos of a flailing nation and filled with the need to act, found some solace in the rescue of that flag.

    He is not alone in his sentiments, not alone in his desire to make things right again within reach of his arm.

    There is something happening today in America. With the right kind of ears, you can hear it in the sound of millions of brows slowly furrowing in anger and disgust. It feels like those tense moments just before the eruption of a summer thunderstorm, those moments when the air is electric, the ozone reek of spent lightning fills the world, and you know something very loud is about to happen.

    What is happening, what can be heard and smelled and sensed all across the land, is the cresting wave of rage, betrayal and fury that is, finally, roaring across the shores of our collective American heart. After more than six years of lies, theft, graft, corruption, manipulation and misconduct, just about every living person within these borders finds themselves today gripped by the slow seethe, directed inward as much as outward, of one who has come around to see just how much of a fool they've been played for.

    There are numbers to argue the reality of what is happening: The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has 81% of Americans believing this country to be very much on the wrong track. Put simply, four out of every five people nowadays have that furrowed brow, that sense of betrayal, that slow seethe.

    It is a Becoming, this thing, or perhaps an Awakening. It is very real, and is all around us, and it feels like something very loud is about to happen.

    Read the whole thing.

    Cheney not in executive branch (none / 0) (#12)
    by Sailor on Thu Jun 21, 2007 at 12:59:45 PM EST
    Vice President Exempts His Office from the Requirements for Protecting Classified Information

    Washington, D.C. -- The Oversight Committee has learned that over the objections of the National Archives, Vice President Cheney exempted his office from the presidential order that establishes government-wide procedures for safeguarding classified national security information. The Vice President asserts that his office is not an "entity within the executive branch."


    King Cheney? (none / 0) (#13)
    by Edger on Thu Jun 21, 2007 at 01:14:34 PM EST
    At issue is whether the office of the vice president is an executive branch entity when it comes to supporting the activities of the president and the vice president. The reporting requirements for disclosing classification and declassification activity fall under a presidential executive order.

    Cheney claims the power to ignore a presidential executive order.

    He thinks that as Veep he has more inherent power than the inherent power of the president under the Unitary Executive theory that Cheney, of all people, has been part of advocating for years...

    Dizzy yet?


    Nothing New Here (none / 0) (#14)
    by squeaky on Thu Jun 21, 2007 at 05:24:03 PM EST
    Since 2003.

    SubUnit's current answer to Waxman is to ammend executive order 12958 so as to eliminate the Information Security Oversight Office.

    Waxman's Letter (PDF)


    But wait a minute ... (none / 0) (#15)
    by Sailor on Thu Jun 21, 2007 at 05:53:27 PM EST
    ... doesn't cheney's claim mean that he can no longer claim 'executive' privilege!?

    No (none / 0) (#16)
    by squeaky on Thu Jun 21, 2007 at 06:18:15 PM EST
    He doesn't have to stoop so low. The executive branch is below him. All he has to do is say f'off, sue me, go away.

    And then ... (5.00 / 1) (#17)
    by Sailor on Thu Jun 21, 2007 at 06:47:48 PM EST
    ... (after a couple of cocktails) he shoots you in the face.
