
Libby Seeks to Enforce Reporter Subpoenas

I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby has filed his response to various reporters' motions to quash his subpoenas for records and notes.

Thanks to Tom Maguire for hosting the 45 page response, here and here.

I've only skimmed them, so I'll be back later with some thoughts. In the meantime, feel free to weigh in, or for analysis, check in with Empty Wheel.

Related: Jane at FDL has a new Karl Rove timeline.

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  • Re: Libby Seeks to Enforce Reporter Subpoenas (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue May 02, 2006 at 05:32:19 PM EST
    The special prosecutor, Fitzpatrick, spent a long time and a lot of money researching what various reporters knew and when they knew it. He sent one to jail to compel her testimony. In fairness, I don't see why Libby (a criminal defendant) shouldn't have the right to see their records and notes as well. That means full and complete discovery.