
Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order

The Judge in the Scooter Libby trial issued this order (pdf) today threatening a gag order for leaking material not on (or in advance of posting on) the court's docket.

I assume this has to do with the msm writing about Fitzgerald's letter of correction the night before it was filed.

For the record, I have had no contact whatsoever with the Libby defense team or anyone connected to the case or the investigation. When I wrote about the correction letter, my source was the Washington Post.

Maven at Daily Kos has more.

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  • Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#1)
    by Quaker in a Basement on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 12:48:55 PM EST
    "For the record, I have had no contact whatsoever with the Libby defense team or anyone connected to the case or the investigation."
    Or: "No subpoena for me, thanks." Haw.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 12:57:21 PM EST
    My lips are sealed. Promise. But, who could have spilled the beans? Hmmmmm..... The Chimp will get to the bottom of it and promote....oops I mean fire anyone responsible.
    The President said -- has always said that leaking classified information is a serious matter, and certainly no one wants to get to the bottom of this more than he does, so that we can find out the truth. And the President has said from early on that if anybody has information, they should come forward and share it with those who are leading this investigation. there is an ongoing investigation underway, and we want to do everything we can to help that investigation move forward. The sooner they get to the bottom of this, the better. That's our view. And I've said this in response to other questions about specific matters that career officials may be working on, as well, that you should direct those questions to the career officials at the Department of Justice who are leading the investigation. But the President has made it very clear that he expects the White House to cooperate fully in that --
    leak Well that proves that we can rule out the WH this time.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#3)
    by Dadler on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 02:25:37 PM EST
    I love the term "gag order". It sounds so...S&M.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#4)
    by Sailor on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 04:35:44 PM EST
    Just riffing on Dadler's comment: Of course folks are bound by a judges order, and a jury might be hung and cross exam can be penetrating. Libby, or so I'm told, spent time on the Duke=Stir's boat, so he must be into watersports and he's definitely proved his ability to contort himself into any position cheney desires .... eeewww ... I just grossed myself out. BTW, when it says 'Libby, Libby, Libby, on the Libel, Libel, Libel' ya know it's gonna get good. BTW, who's paying for Libby's defense? If we had real reporters they'd follow the $$.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#5)
    by squeaky on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 04:47:01 PM EST
    For some more pun-ishment, do you think this is what he really meant by a "gag" order?link

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 06:59:22 PM EST
    Frankly, with all these selective, self-serving leaks from the idiot king all the sudden, I'm wondering what took him so long.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#7)
    by annburns on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 07:52:34 PM EST
    This has to be Byron York of the National Review. He posted Fitz's letter on the Corner (the NR online blog) before anyone else did. He is the one who leaked the story to the MSM. The actual letter didn't show up on court documents till much later. It went right from Libby's defense team to Byron York. This shows you the absolute perfidity of the National Review when it comes to this case.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 08:10:05 PM EST
    Well, Byron York is further evidence of the NR aka Uptown Fascist Follies phenomenon of when prep school punks grow up to be tory trash. These folks just haven't been the same since apartheid died.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#9)
    by Andreas on Thu Apr 13, 2006 at 11:19:15 PM EST
    A careful reading of the 39-page document filed last week by Fitzgerald underscores the crisis wracking the Bush administration. According to this account, as early as June 2003, only three months after launching the war with Iraq, White House aides were deeply divided over how to handle the growing military and political disaster, to the point that senior aides were keeping each other in the dark as they pursued efforts to contain the damage. Libby, after receiving his instructions from Cheney to leak the NIE material to certain journalists, notably Bob Woodward of the Washington Post and Judith Miller of the New York Times, kept his mandate secret from other top White House officials. He did not inform Rice or Hadley, even when attending meetings in mid-July where Hadley led discussions on the procedure for formally declassifying the executive summary of the NIE and releasing it to the press, which finally took place on July 18, 2003. Libby kept quiet about the fact that he had already made available far more of the document, on the orders of Cheney and Bush. ... At the time that Bush gave his testimony, White House press spokesman McClellan issued a statement declaring, "The leaking of classified information is a very serious matter," adding that Bush was "pleased to do his part" to aid the probe. "No one wants to get to the bottom of this matter more than the president of the United States," McClellan continued. But now it is clear that at "the bottom of this matter" was Bush himself, as well as Cheney, carrying out actions which fit the constitutional definition of the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that warrant impeachment and removal from office.
    Leak investigation puts spotlight on Bush war lies By Patrick Martin, 14 April 2006

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#10)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Apr 14, 2006 at 02:53:56 AM EST
    Obstruction of Justice as Judicial Assistance. Can you imagine how big the Medals of Freedom are gonna be for these guys? Bigger than Flavor Flav's Clock! Which is only fitting, since these guys are the real Public Enemy.

    Re: Libby Judge Threatens Gag Order (none / 0) (#11)
    by jondee on Fri Apr 14, 2006 at 09:45:09 AM EST
    Something about Rove, Gannon and gag orders occurs to me...Oh well, somebody had to say it.