
Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing

The Independent Counsel Report in the 10 year, $22 million investigation of former HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros has been released. What does it show? Not much of anything, certainly not enough to justify the length and expense of the investigation. The full report and appendixes and other documents are available here. As to charges that the Clinton Administration intervened to protect Cisneros, it sounds to me like bunk.

Justice Department officials who disputed Barrett's findings portrayed his investigation as deeply misguided and said the tax case against Cisneros had little merit. They suggested the prosecutor had turned his disappointment in his inability to prove the obstruction allegations into unprovable theories. Robert Litt, one of the Justice Department officials involved, wrote in a comment letter May 31 that he was allowed to read only edited portions of the report but he concluded the report was "a fitting conclusion to one of the most embarrassingly incompetent and wasteful episodes in the history of American law enforcement."

Litt defended his evaluation of Cisneros' tax case, asserting that every Justice Department lawyer who had reviewed the case agreed with the conclusion. He said in his letter that Barrett's accusations of obstruction were "a scurrilous falsehood."

I suggest you read the comment letters, available here, particularly that of Williams & Connolly on behalf of Cisneros (page 9), and those of Robert S. Litt, at page 51 and 62. Some snippets from Litt's letters:

Even the expurgated version of the report that I was allowed to read, however, is a fitting conclusion to one of the most embarrassingly incompetent and wasteful episodes in the history of American law enforcement. This independent counsel spent ten years – ten years! – and tens of millions of dollars on his investigation. His Herculean labor produced a no-jail misdemeanor plea from his target – a plea that Mr. Cisneros would undoubtedly have been willing to enter on the day of Mr. Barrett’s appointment. He continued his investigation for almost six years after that guilty plea, chasing gossamer theories of obstruction of justice even after the statute of limitations expired. He took years to write a report that could have been written in months. A major theme of that report – that officials in the Department of Justice somehow corruptly conspired to obstruct the Independent Counsel’s investigation when they opposed the expansion of his jurisdiction – is a scurrilous falsehood.

....I was one of the lawyers at the Department of Justice who reviewed the Independent Counsel’s 1997 request that his jurisdiction be expanded to cover four years of potential tax violations. As others did, I carefully reviewed every page of the Independent Counsel’s submission, met with the OIC (on several occasions) and Cisneros’ counsel, and reviewed documents and interview memoranda. After full consideration I concluded that the Independent Counsel’s submissions were (barely) sufficient to justify expansion of his jurisdiction with respect to one of those years and insufficient for three others.

Each and every Department lawyer who reviewed the Independent Counsel’s request, from line attorneys in both the Criminal and Tax Divisions of the Department of Justice to the Attorney General, came to the same conclusion. Each and every one of them agreed that there was no basis to grant the tax jurisdiction sought by the Independent Counsel. To the extent there was any doubt whatsoever, it was resolved in the Independent Counsel’s favor by granting him jurisdiction over one year. There was no political pressure, no thought of “protecting” anyone, no obstruction of justice – nothing other than a good faith application of settled legal standards and procedures.

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  • Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#1)
    by desertswine on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 12:52:14 PM EST
    After a ten year investigation, they should have been able to come up with dirt even on Mother Teresa. Incredible, a 22 million dollar waste.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#2)
    by Dadler on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 02:26:11 PM EST
    No response from the righties on this site? Also, interesting to note, in Litt's second comment letter, it was the Bush Justice Department, not Clinton's, that opposed the Independent Counsel's DOJ subpoena.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#3)
    by Dadler on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 02:26:11 PM EST
    No response from the righties on this site? Also, interesting to note, in Litt's second comment letter, it was the Bush Justice Department, not Clinton's, that opposed the Independent Counsel's DOJ subpoena.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 02:32:14 PM EST
    The only explanation is that she is an evil genius criminal mastermind. Any genuinely innocent person would have been found guilty by now.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 04:08:52 PM EST
    How about we get a look at the full report, with the 120 pages deleted by partisan judges, before we make up our minds?

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 04:16:27 PM EST
    JP: How about we get a look at the full report... Typical leftie coddling. She's had 10 years to prove her innocence. She's obviously guilty. Exterminate her.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#7)
    by Dadler on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 04:18:48 PM EST
    justpaul, not counting their rulings in this case, what do you know about these three judges? do tell.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#8)
    by Sailor on Thu Jan 19, 2006 at 06:21:41 PM EST
    10 year investigation, 5 under bushco, and all he has are aspersions. I agree, the fact that there is no evidence means there MUST be evidence, and a grand conspiracy among the rw & the lw is the obvious answer to why 10 years and $22M can't find squat.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 08:31:22 AM EST
    Dadler, Two are Democrats and one is a Republican. Are you now going to tell me that this is irrelevant? Have you finally found three people in the world whose political affiliation is meaningless to you? I suppose we should immedately nominate all three for the Supreme Court. You have declared them pure souls.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#10)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 09:03:16 AM EST
    Dadler, And just so I'm clear. My comment about the partisan nature of the judges was intended to question the motives of all of them, regardless of their politics. What we have here is a $23 Million report on the willingness of the IRS and Justice Department to engage in coverups for political figures, and I would like to see all of it. The fact that 120 pages of it has been deleted at the request of laywers working for Hillary Clinton and other political figures does not seem encouraging if we are interested in what really happened.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#11)
    by Dadler on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 10:18:48 AM EST
    justpaul, So just because Hillary Clinton's lawyers asked for something, these judges blindly granted it? That's not a slim reed to hang your hope on. Can you consider for a second that maybe, just maybe, the really partisan in this investigation was Barrett? Look at his history. And remember, the Bush Justice Department opposed the Barrett's subpoena, not the the Clinton DOJ. Perhaps that speaks to a wide conspiracy to keep malfeasance open to both parties, but I'm more inclined to believe it at face value -- that Barrett's case, even to a friendly administration, was still deemed incredibly weak.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#12)
    by Dadler on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 10:20:17 AM EST
    Add justpaul, lousy proofreading on my part. but, i'm curious where you got the info on that three judge panel. any links?

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#13)
    by swingvote on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 11:39:30 AM EST
    Dadler, I fail to understand why it seems significant to you that the Bush administration opposed a subpeona in this case. Does that somehow legitimate the failure to release the full report? Or is that supposed to let the IRS off the hook? As for links, no, I don't have any links because I read it yesterday in the NYT and I don't have a subscription to their online edition (nor to their paper edition for that matter). Assuming that report was wrong and that all of the judges are Republican, or Democrat, or Green Party members, how does that change the general jist of what I said? Are they presumed to be pure as the driven snow if it's not one Republican and two Democrats? As to why the judges redacted stuff and whether that was based purely on the fact that David Kendall asked them to: That's ridiculous. Of course they didn't do it just for Kendall, or Hillary, or "just for" anyone else. I don't know why they did it, and I really don't care. We, the taxpayers, paid $23 million for this investigation, and I would like to see what it produced. As for whether Barrett is a partisan: How can we even begin to judge that question without knowing what he put in the report? If he is, and if it tainted his report, it should be readily apparent, just as Ken Starr's partisanship was in his report. If it's not readily apparent, it will become so very quickly once bloggers get their hands on the full report and start cross checking (of course certain bloggers will claim he's partisan no matter what is in the report, as you are already doing). At the end of the day, there is only one real loser in this story, Dadler, and it's us, the taxpayers; the people who financed the BS that started it and the investigation of it, only to be told that we are not entitled to the end product (interesting thing, that, given that all documents produced by federal employees are technically public property). Still, I can't help but wonder how you would react if, in, say, 10 years, an independent investigation of the recent claims about the Bush administration's politicization of the IRS is wrapped up and the full report is redacted to the tune of 120 pages of material because lawyers representing various Republican politicos filed lawsuits seeking such redaction. Somehow I don't think you would be entertaining theories that this material had to be removed because the investigator was a partisan Democrat, even if he clearly was and admitted such at every opportunity (a la Ronnie Earl). In fact, I'm pretty sure that in that case, you would be joinging me in demanding the full report. What's different about now? Why does the former administration deserve a pass on letting the facts out? It was, after all "the most ethical administration in U.S. history". what could they possibly have to hide? And one last thing, Dadler: As I've noted before, if this stuff did go on, there's a good chance that the people inside the IRS and the Justice Department who did it are still there (there are, overall, very few political appointees - per capita - in either agency). I for one would like to know exactly who they are and what they are doing now. Wouldn't you?

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#14)
    by Dadler on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 11:55:55 AM EST
    justpaul, if you don't know why they redacted it, why don't you try to find out why? and don't you think an Ashcroft DOJ would go after real corruption of this kind in the other party? wouldn't his DOJ grant the subpoena if there was a chance criminal material was being supressed or covered up by the previous DOJ admin.? i don't think that ridiculous, anymore than you feel YOUR position is. it's as relevant as the partisanship you claim on the part of the judges. it's the same thing. and you realize you're throwing muck all over career people at the DOJ and IRS you have NO KNOWLEDGE OF, other than the suppositions of their criminality by a pretty partisan IC. that's a fairly cynical leap of faith. and i wouldn't put my money on its accuracy.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#15)
    by Dadler on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 12:00:23 PM EST
    Add Justpaul, I think Barrett's partisanship can be seen in his unfounded conclusions, and in their much more cogent rebuttal by certain involved parties (Litt's particularly, included at the end of the report).

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#16)
    by Dadler on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 12:04:10 PM EST
    Last Add Justpaul, Your take on the judges is guilty before proven innocent. Entirely. You, like Barrett did with this entire investigation I fear, start with the notion that these judges are guilty of covering up something -- even if they have no INTEREST in covering it up, they have nothing to gain. There's no motive.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#17)
    by swingvote on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 01:43:46 PM EST
    Your take on the judges is guilty before proven innocent. Entirely. Oh please. When have you ever failed to believe every accusation made here about Bush with absolutely zero evidence offered? Talk abut the pot calling the kettle black. On the other hand, the judges are guilty, Dadler. They are guilty of exactly what I have accused them of, which is redacting 120 pages out of Barrett's report. No one disputes that. Beyond that I haven't accused them of having a specific motive for doing so, I have asked what their motive might be, and I have said I think they are wrong to have done so regardless of their motive. Barrett was entrusted with an investigation at taxpayers expense and I would like to see the results of that investigation in full. End of story. I must say I am really amazed that you would raise such a weak-assed argument. You have never required evidence of Bush's guilt, or Ashcroft's, or Cheney's, or Lott's, or Frist's, or Newt's. No indeed, the nuttiest, most insane conspiracy theory offered up has been like mana from the gods to you, swallowed hook, line, and sinker without even a hint of questioning from you. But let someone state undisputed fact and suddenly you want a trial by jury before we can even discuss it. Brilliant. As for the career people at DOJ and IRS who you suddenly have so much concern for, they have been smeared and as long as this report is left out there in its redacted form, they are all presumed guilty because the government, in the form of those three judges, is actively shielding them. If Barrett's findings are so out of left-field that they are obviously false, publish them and let everyone know that is the fact (it well could be, but until we see the whole report we'll never know). At this point, you've made it clear that you really have no interest in knowing what was really going on within the IRS under the Clinton administration or why Janet Reno intervened in the investigation (imagine if John Ashcroft or Alberto Gonzalez had done something similar when the Bush administration was the target of the investigation?), you're just blowing smoke to add to the cover up. Bravo. Partisan politics wins out over the truth again thanks to leftists who don't really believe in anything other than gaining power at all costs. Have a nice day Dadler, I've wasted enough time on this. I'll just have to hope that there is at least one Congressman or Senator with the balls to tell these judges to go stuff it and release the full report.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#18)
    by Sailor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 03:11:09 PM EST
    By the end of 2001, the report said, Mr. Barrett's office had decided it could not go forward without an explicit expansion of authority, and it sought an expansion from the three-judge panel that supervises independent counsel inquiries.

    In January 2002, the panel refused Mr. Barrett's request on grounds that the expiration of the independent counsel statute in 1999 precluded the judges from granting the request. Mr. Barrett continued to press his inquiry, but when the Justice Department resisted subpoenas, he decided to drop the obstruction investigation.
    So ashcroft wouldn't agree, 3 judges wouldn't agree and yet he kept on going. The report is out , and I have yet to see a credible source say that
    On the other hand, the judges are guilty, Dadler. They are guilty of exactly what I have accused them of, which is redacting 120 pages out of Barrett's report.
    He had ZERO facts in his report, he alleges all these people, including cisnero's mistress, obstructed justice, but he didn't charge any of them. And a high level cover up by bushco and the clenis involving the judiciary, career irs and doj folks? It is to laugh. He also kept pursuing

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#19)
    by Sailor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 03:14:48 PM EST
    [damn preview/post button!]
    Barrett, who was a former Republican lobbyist and activist before being appointed independent counsel
    Well, that explains a lot. BTW, what was redacted were folks' names who were never charged with a crime. And the repub controlled congress specifically mandated those redactions.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#20)
    by Sailor on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 03:20:56 PM EST
    Here is some more fun about the 3 judge panel that jp libeled:
    A protégé of Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., Sentelle was the judge who ran the three-judge panel that picked Starr and other conservatives to investigate President Clinton and his senior aides.

    Like Starr, Sentelle testified about the independent-counsel law before the Senate Governmental Operations Committee on April 14. While confining his comments to the nuts and bolts of the selection process, Sentelle dropped tantalizing clues about how conservative Republicans hijacked the special-prosecutor apparatus and turned it to their political advantage.

    In his testimony, Sentelle acknowledged that he sought out Republicans "who had been active on the other side of the political fence" to carry out the investigations of Clinton and his administration.

    Re: Cisneros Report: 10 Years of Nothing (none / 0) (#21)
    by Dadler on Fri Jan 20, 2006 at 06:49:31 PM EST
    justpaul, a lame-assed argument? because i'd like a little evidence? what??? go find a post where i buy into any whacked out theory about bush, please. though, i admit, on his cocaine use i tend to be a bit accusatory. so shooot me. at least i'm a tad self-critical. as for you stating undisputed fact: if that were true, i doubt we'd be here debating. why aren't you angry at barrett? he seems to have gone loco on this, and seems so from many POVs, not just the left.