
Fitzgerald's Probe Moving Forward, Cheney to Cooperate

This quote is buried in a AP story tonight about three Congressmen who are seeking Cheney's testimony in a congressional probe.

In response, Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride said that the vice president would cooperate with the Justice Department as the criminal investigation of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald moves forward.

I wish these Congressman would wait until Fitzgerald's investigation and the criminal cases are over. Don't they remember Iran-Contra? Can't they spell "immunity?" In case they forgot, here's Last Night in Little Rock. If they won't listen to us, maybe they'll listen to Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

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  • Re: Fitzgerald's Probe Moving Forward, Cheney to C (none / 0) (#1)
    by DonS on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:44 PM EST
    Maybe immunity is exactly the dish they want to serve up?

    My guess is Cheney will not agree to testify, and move heaven and earth in an effort to claim executive privilege, national security, and whatever. Then Scooter will move to have the case dismissed because an essential witness refused or was unable to testify. In that regard, the question was raised on some other fora that the indictment is duplicitous (i.e., charges two or more offenses in the same count). Is this your view?

    Yes, it's my view that Libby's lawyers will raise duplicity in a motion to dismiss the perjury count in count 5 of the Indictment, as I wrote here.