
White House Reaches Out for Alito Talkers

How do reporters know whom to call for information on Judge Alito? The professionals do their own research. Others apparently rely on the White House "Office of Political Affairs."

TalkLeft friend Peter Goldberger has given several press interviews on Alito, a law school classmate. He has expressed his views here on TalkLeft.

Yesterday, Peter got a telephone call from Mike Davis at the White House Political Affairs office asking whether he could put Peter's name on a contact list for journalists. Davis said they were looking for people who may not share Alito's views but who support his nomination.

Peter says he declined and told Mr. Davis he was (a) not difficult for competent reporters to find (b) not supporting Judge Alito as a good addition to the Supreme Court, and © not interested in being part of any orchestrated campaign to promote anyone President Bush would name.

So now when I read articles in the MSM, and the person interviewed has favorable things to say about Alito's abilities or character but does not necessarily support his conservative viewpoint or "judicial philosophy," I have to wonder whether that person's contact information was supplied by the White House to foster its political agenda. Then I have to ask, is the person quoted sincere in those views or just trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame.

Update: Looks like they've found a few.

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  • Re: White House Reaches Out for Alito Talkers (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:43 PM EST
    good for Peter. I especially like his first reason.

    Re: White House Reaches Out for Alito Talkers (none / 0) (#2)
    by cpinva on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:43 PM EST
    not to be obvious or anything, but did anyone seriously think the WH was going to point reporters in the direction of people who wouldn't support judge alito's confirmation? not just this WH, but any WH.

    Re: White House Reaches Out for Alito Talkers (none / 0) (#3)
    by Peter G on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:43 PM EST
    Well, actually, I was kind of wondering whether manipulation of the press to foster a political agenda was an appropriate use of my tax dollars. Not that all administrations don't do it, I suppose, at least in recent decades. But isn't it implicit in the idea of a free and independent press, as contemplated by the First Amendment, that the press does its own reporting, and that government offices should answer questions (and maybe issue press advisory information openly) but not be "suggesting" what to cover or how to cover it?

    Re: White House Reaches Out for Alito Talkers (none / 0) (#4)
    by teacherken on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:44 PM EST
    good for you Peter,on two counts. First, you offer information to help people reach their own conclusions, and treat Alito as any good Haverfordian should second, you judiciously (can I apply that to you?) but politely tell the WH Press office where to go. BTW, we did not overlap at alma mater, since I was originally '67 and graduated in '73, but we first encountered one another during Christmas break '71-'72 when I was staying in the same off campus house with your then girlfirend and you came by.

    Re: White House Reaches Out for Alito Talkers (none / 0) (#5)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:44 PM EST
    Kudos, Peter G. I don't think I would have responded quite as "professionally".