
Former Marshal Sentenced For Manslaughter

by TChris

A federal marshal who shot another driver after a traffic altercation in Maryland has been sentenced to 15 years in prison. A jury rejected Arthur Lloyd's claim that he acted in self-defense. The verdict isn't surprising if this description of the evidence is accurate:

According to testimony during the trial and District Court charging documents, Lloyd was driving with his family in a black Ford Expedition the night of Oct. 28 when he became involved in a traffic altercation with Stowers, who was driving a red Chevrolet Camaro. Both men pulled into the parking lot of Mid-Pike Plaza, where a verbal argument escalated into a fight.

At some point, Lloyd, a 28-year veteran with the U.S. Marshals Service, drew a handgun and shot Stowers in the lower right leg.

Stowers used his cell phone to call 911, got into his car and began to drive away. Lloyd fired three shots at the back of Stowers’ car, striking Stowers in the back near his left shoulder.

Lloyd's "apology" at sentencing was unconvincing:

"I’m sorry if my reaction was an overreaction...I had no idea who the man was," Lloyd said.

The victim was a 20-year-old sailor. Prosecutors argued that Lloyd's letters to the court similarly demonstrated his failure to accept responsibility for his actions.

"Those letters reflect a power of self-deception that is almost pathological," Deputy State’s Attorney John McCarthy said.

Lloyd plans to appeal, but his claim that the jury instructions were inaccurate seems shakey:

Lloyd’s attorneys have said they intend to appeal the verdict based on the judge’s instructions to the jury. Defense attorney Barry Helfand argued during the trial that the jury should have been instructed that Lloyd did not have the duty to retreat from Stowers before shooting because he was a law enforcement officer. [Judge] Harrington rejected the argument because Lloyd’s case was based on self-defense, not that he was trying to make an arrest as a deputy U.S. marshal.

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  • Re: Former Marshal Sentenced For Manslaughter (none / 0) (#1)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:47 PM EST
    "I had no idea who the man was,"
    ...what, was he hoping for Osama in disguise?

    Re: Former Marshal Sentenced For Manslaughter (none / 0) (#2)
    by Joe Bob on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:48 PM EST
    What makes this incident so tragic is the ridiculousness of it. One guy in a Ford Expedition, a 6000-pound SUV, and a one guy in a Camaro. You would think the guy in the SUV could afford to turn the other cheek, but I guess not.

    Re: Former Marshal Sentenced For Manslaughter (none / 0) (#3)
    by Aaron on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:48 PM EST
    I don't agree with this verdict, specifically because of these circumstances. "At some point, Lloyd, a 28-year veteran with the U.S. Marshals Service, drew a handgun and shot Stowers in the lower right leg. Stowers used his cell phone to call 911, got into his car and began to drive away. Lloyd fired three shots at the back of Stowers’ car, striking Stowers in the back near his left shoulder." This veteran law enforcement officer allowed himself to get into a street brawl over a traffic accident, and then after shooting the other driver in the leg which could've been viewed as self-defense, he then proceeded to open fire on the man as he was trying to escape, possibly using the rationale of his right to shoot a fleeing felon, if he was in control of himself at all. Had he not done so, it's likely that the younger man would've gone to jail and maybe even prison. Harrington actions amount to murder, with mitigating circumstances of course, but still murder. I've seen too many cops/federal agents/FBI officers that are little more than children with guns and badges who become enraged when anyone has the temerity to challenge their authority. Many people die at the hands of such infants, and all too often they get away with it. This guy was not an officer representing the law he was retired, and as such no different than any other citizen. But the important thing to remember is that he had 28 years of experience, and still did the wrong thing. I have to wonder how many people he gunned down while on the job, and how justified those shootings were.

    Re: Former Marshal Sentenced For Manslaughter (none / 0) (#4)
    by Patrick on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:48 PM EST
    seems an appropriate sentence as well, but as aaron pointed out the shooting in the back is certainly indicative of more than manslaughter. There is no "right" to shoot a fleeing felon as I'm sure the lawyers here will confirm. That said, I find it ironic that the only sentence TL seems to agree with is the one where a cop gets sentenced. Perhaps it's just my sensitivity to the subject.

    Re: Former Marshal Sentenced For Manslaughter (none / 0) (#5)
    by peacrevol on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:51 PM EST
    That said, I find it ironic that the only sentence TL seems to agree with is the one where a cop gets sentenced. Perhaps it's just my sensitivity to the subject.
    That's because law enforcement, as well as government officials (save that for another discussion) are, and should be held to a higher standard than other citizens.

    Re: Former Marshal Sentenced For Manslaughter (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:04:03 PM EST
    as the victims girlfriend, im really starting to wonder what happened to the american justice system. Since when can you kill someone and only go to jail for 15 years? he got more time for using a gun than killing my boyfriend. Sad what this world is coming too....it makes me sick.