
Clemency Call for Death Row's Oldest Prisoner

James Hubbard is 74 years old. He has colon cancer and prostate cancer. He's on Alabama's death row and scheduled for execution on Thursday. If executed, he would be the oldest person ever executed in the state of Alabama and the oldest person executed in the United States in more than 60 years.

The NCADP is calling for clemency.

"Even if one supported the death penalty, it is difficult to understand what purpose James Hubbard's execution would serve," said David Elliot, NCADP communications director. "Executive clemency exists to prevent miscarriages of justice when the courts cannot or will not act. This is a clear case for mercy."

Please take a minute to visit this action alert page and e-mail your thoughts to the Governor. From the pre-recorded letter, which you can change to insert your own words if you wish:

There are approximately 19,000 murders per year in the United States. Approximately 75 people, primarily men, are executed every year. In other words, 0.4% of all murders end in execution. Surely strapping an elderly man to a gurney and filling him with poison cannot be justice. Mr. Hubbard has lived on Alabama’s death row for 27 years and is suffering from prostate and colon cancer. What could killing him possibly prove? Please show mercy and stop this execution.

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