
Kobe Accuser Will Testify About Her Sex Life

Kobe Bryant's accuser will testify tomorrow about her sex life--behind closed doors.

The hearing will be held to determine whether details of the woman's sex life can be introduced at Bryant's trial. The defense says the information should be admitted because it could show that the woman's injuries were caused by another sexual partner and that she had a "scheme" to sleep with Bryant, possibly to gain the attention of an ex-boyfriend. The prosecution fought to limit defense questioning, but was rebuffed by the Colorado Supreme Court. The hearing will be the first time the woman has faced Bryant since their encounter last summer.

We'll be talking about it tomorrow on Fox (12:20 ET)- and on MSNBC on the Abrams Report around 6:30 ET.

[Fox cancelled due to coverage of 9/11 hearings....Abrams may do the same. Fox moved to 9:30 ET Thursday--Abrams will also do Thursday]

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